When you choose to major or minor in social sciences at Dominican University, 你将获得广泛的知识, interdisciplinary education through in-depth study into at least three main social science disciplines as well as the concepts and methodologies that underlie and integrate the fields.

虽然多学科和广泛, the credit requirements of our social science degree will still leave plenty of room for you to pursue additional interests or prepare for career paths that require an advanced degree.

作为一个整体, the social sciences will prepare you to understand more fully the multiplicity of the human condition.  Whether the area of concentration is criminal justice, 历史, 政治, 心理学, 或社会学, the inherent focus is to understand what shapes human behavior and how to work with people in various circumstances. This provides an excellent foundation for graduate and professional programs in a variety of fields and for a wide range of career paths.  

Our courses allow you to develop hard and soft skills that will serve you well throughout your career and broader life. We offer optional internships to give you on-the-job training and the opportunity to qualify for membership in one or more honor societies:

  • α气-全国大学荣誉协会
  • —the National Honor Society for Criminal Justice
  • φα-全国社会工作荣誉协会
  • α Theta-全国历史荣誉协会
  • —the International Honor Society for the 社会科学
  • Psi气-国际心理学荣誉学会

不管你选择什么浓度, you’ll complete an independent capstone 研究 project at the end of your social sciences program under the close supervision of a faculty member. This experience provides valuable preparation for future jobs or graduate study as it will develop your independent and critical thinking, 研究, and communication skills beyond what is possible through a standard lesson format.



  • 详细的节目信息
  • 定制奖学金和经济援助
  • 来自招生顾问的个人支持



An interdisciplinary social sciences degree to prepare you for an incredibly diverse range of rewarding careers



The finest small-university athletic program in the region


关闭 proximity to New York City and three major airports


这要归功于严格的课程设置, 由优秀的教师支持和教授, Dominican University has provided me with all the necessary tools and knowledge that I need to succeed in the field of social sciences. The small classes and dedicated faculty are just two of the many things I love about this school. 

 Zakary里维拉, ‘22






Our social sciences degree will equip you for a wide variety of jobs and careers. Below are several examples; however, this list is by no means exhaustive. With the well-developed foundational skills and the broad-ranging knowledge base that the social sciences provide, 可能性是无限的.

Whether you think you’ll want a job straight out of college or are thinking about further study, 以下是你可能追求的工作类型:

  • 发展专家
  • 社会工作者
  • 人力资源协调员
  • 律师助理
  • 城市规划师
  • 市场研究分析师
  • 公共关系专员
  • 多样性管理器
  • 学校辅导员
  • 咨询
  • 研究
  • 商业与金融
  • 当选办公室
  • 政治竞选经理
  • 社区服务
  • 宣传
  • 教学


You’ll gain insight into what shapes human behavior and acquire critical skills for understanding and working with people across a variety of circumstances. 你也会发展核心, highly in-demand skills in areas such as critical reading and thinking, processing information from a variety of sources, 并以清晰的方式呈现材料, 连贯的, 以及语法准确的形式.



The cost of attendance is an estimate of what it will cost to attend Dominican University for an academic year.




Whether you choose a social sciences major or minor, you’ll complete 39 credits, consisting of:

  •  Unit SS 472, which is ‘Social Science Seminar’ (3 credits)
  •  2-4 compulsory units and several electives from your chosen primary concentration (18 credits in total, the number of compulsory units depends on the concentration you choose)
  • Your choice of units from two other supporting 浓度 (9 credits each)


You can concentrate on any of the following subject areas:

You also have the option of pursuing a teaching degree along with your social sciences degree:

  •  B.A. 社会科学 with Preparation for Childhood Education
  •  B.A. 社会科学 with Preparation for Adolescence Education in Social Studies
  •  B.A. 历史与儿童教育的准备


Dr. 保罗年代. 发出巨响,Ph值.D

Dr. 保罗年代. 发出巨响,Ph值.D

Assistant Professor of Political Science, Coordinator of 社会科学
